The Digital Millennium Copyright Act keeps our data secure from being stolen or posted on other sites on the Internet. All the content published on our site, including images and videos, is subject to the Copyright Fair Use Act. We have shared the content on this site that is already accessible on various sites.

Infringement Notification

If, in any case, you find our content is copyrighted or it is linking to the copyrighted materials, then send an infringement notification to remove that content.

Factors of Notification

Your notification must have the following factors:

  • Please give a piece of evidence that you are acting on this law as an owner of copyrighted material or on its behalf.
  • Please provide detailed evidence of material that you have found to be copyrighted.
  • Your notification must be accurate and according to the copyright act owner.
  • For your identification, put your signature on it.

How to Contact Us?

You can contact us via email at [email protected]


Allow us to make modifications to your implemented restrictions, such as

  • If our team finds that your notification violates the Act, we will never remove our content. 
  • After removing the content you find copyrighted, we will share feedback from the affected users.
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